Kauno AKROPOLISBack to School

We have created a fashion dictionary for the top-of-the-class students and reminded them of the most important rules.

BLUE / YELLOWLiberated Ukrainian soil

Centimetre by centimetre, we’re helping the Ukrainians take back what is theirs.

UNIPARKVisual identity refresh

Visual language for today’s urban driver.

PRO BROFast and Vacuumed

Introducing Express Car-Interior Dry Cleaning in just 8 minutes.


All ads are Dlight ads.


All included!

ŽMONĖSYES to partnership

There are more important things than being the most important.

CONRESTA GROUPVisual identity

Thought-out and balanced image of a responsible business.

CARITAS LIETUVADonation campaign

We ask for less